Madeleine Cross (nee Preston) born 28.12.1977, London. Lives and works in St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.


1996-7 - Foundation Course, Wimbledon College of Art

1997-2001 - BA hons Fine Art, Leeds University

(1999-2000) - Year abroad, University of California, San Diego

2007 - MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art


Madeleine has exhibited in London, Leeds, San Diego, Bergen (Norway), and Canterbury. She has taught drawing, mixed media and childrens' workshops in schools and in the community in London and East Sussex and was Artist in Residence at King's School Canterbury from 2013-15. She has also worked in PR and arts administration for Jerwood Space, Chelsea Arts Club and Tracey Neuls foot ware as well as co-running a small gallery space, Stairwell Gallery in 2004-6.

The work is a personal and sensitive response to certain places and spaces, and depicts a world of colliding surfaces, times and impressions. For more information on any of the pieces, teaching, exhibition or sales enquiries do not hesitate to make contact.